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Welcome to our future!


Our founding fathers expected average citizens to step up and serve the people of our great nation.  I am an average citizen - sharing your concerns and walking daily in your shoes.  We can win this election, but not without your help.


We are building grass roots support to show Washington that they have been out of touch for way too long.  By sending an average citizen, like myself, to Washington - our voices and concerns will be heard.


I plan to meet as many people as I can in District 3 and will be posting information about where you can meet me in person and discuss your concerns.  Additionally, we will be posting videos which outlines my positions on the issues, and unlike many of those that have come before me, I will tell you where I stand.  Regardless of where I may stand on an issue, I value your opinion and will always listen to the view points of others.


Please explore our website to learn about me and where I stand on the issues.  Regardless of party affiliation I know we are far more alike than we are different.



Damien Kennedy

2014 Republican Candidate

Arizona Congressional District 3



​My Pledge to you


I will run a postitive campaign with the highest integrity - a campaign that doesn't damage the chances of any Republican eventually winning the House of Representive seat we need to make our voices heard.

Damien Kennedy for Congress

​Want help change our country?


I have a dream, not a plan, because people will follow someone with a dream and get bored with hearing about more plans.  Together we can bring about the changes needed in Washington - join me - I promise I will lead from the front.




© 2013 by Damien Kennedy for Congress 2014.

Paid for by the Committe to Elect Damien Kennedy.

Proudly created with

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Find us: 

PO Box 1584 Green Valley, AZ 85622

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